Parking? No problem 2024.

Parking? No problem…

Ideal! Those two parking spaces in front of the Blixembosch pharmacy. You can almost always park your car there, especially at the end of the afternoon when all other parking spaces at the Ouverture are occupied. Nice and easy if you just need to pick something up at the pharmacy or at the Primera across the street. And certainly easy if you have to carry your small child with you, or you can keep your partner waiting with the engine running if you have to run a quick errand. Fortunately, the BOA or Police almost never check there: the chance of a fine of EUR 409 is nil…


As a holder of a disabled parking card, it is very unpleasant if you were unable to park your car 4 times in the last 3 months during the necessary very regular visit to the pharmacy, because someone else wrongly occupied the parking spaces – without a disabled parking card. Even if you show your own parking ticket to the waiting driver who looks at you stoically and refuses to make room. Or if you approach a young woman with a small child in her arm when she has just come from the pharmacy, walks to her car in the disabled parking space and takes something out of the car, and then crosses the road without batting an eyelid to do more shopping. .

I offer my illness for free – including a parking card – so that that person can legitimately use that parking space. In all other cases: ensure that at least one of the two parking spaces remains unoccupied, so that local residents with a disabled parking card can also use it.

A fellow local resident

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