Report General Members Meeting Neighborhood Association.

Report General Members Meeting Neighborhood Association.

Report General Members Meeting Neighborhood Association.

On Tuesday, March 26, the general meeting of members of the Blixembosch neighborhood association took place. The turnout was moderate, but those present were very actively involved in the placed topics.

We have welcomed a new member for the board: Karin van der Steen.

Furthermore, Koby Kooijmans (secretary) and Bert Nieuwenhuis (liveability) have been re -elected for a period of 3 years.

The financial annual overview has been presented by the treasurer. The audit committee has agreed to financial accountability. Some recommendations have been made to improve the clarity of accounting.

The substantive annual report on the activities in 2023 was also discussed and explained. This report will be sent to the municipality of Eindhoven and will be shown on the website.

Special attention this year was for social safety within the neighborhood association. Not because there are problems in this area, but to take preventive measures against possible abuses in the future. For example, a code of conduct has been drawn up for all volunteers of the neighborhood association. It contains general rules on how we deal with each other and combat cross -border behavior. We will also apply for a Certificate of Behavior for all volunteers who work directly with (groups of) children. We will inform the volunteers involved directly about this. In addition, a confidence contact person has been appointed: Rene van den Hove. Any incidents and complaints can be submitted to him, which are then treated confidentially.

The policy and the measures will be included in the internal regulations.

The board.