Dear residents of Blixembosch,
Also this year we will – together with the police, BOAs – will keep a prevention campaign
Residents to make certain risks that people run in unsafe situations. Unsafe situations are, for example, open doors, windows, click ‘ s against ports, not closed car ‘ s with valuable goods …….
The police have declared themselves willing to participate with a number of (student) agents The Municipal Boa ‘ s of enforcement also participate in this prevention action.)
We do this on: Thursday, October 31 Start: 7.15 pm
Start location: In the VTA Blixems
While enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, we keep a short briefing and share the Teams in consisting of police officers, boa ‘ s and volunteers from the neighborhood. Then we go into the neighborhood !!!!!!!!
Afterwards everyone is expected back in the VTA. A short evaluation/inventory.
Then takes place while enjoying a cup of soup and a drink, the reward for it Participate in a prevention night in your neighborhood.
In short, sign up – before October 25 – and walk along!
This is possible at
Until October 31!
Yours sincerely, Gertjan van den Heuvel and Nicoline Verbeek,
Coordinators Neighborhood Prevention Blixembosch.