September 18 Festival at the Ouverture Plein.
Eighty years of freedom of Eindhoven, which had to be celebrated. But not only on it now Stadhuisplein but throughout Eindhoven. September 18 is of great significance for the identity of our city, especially now, at a time when freedom sometimes less obvious seems to be. Freedom Vibes 040, Stichting 18 September and the CKE have their hands in stung each other and came up with the idea of this liberation party to the 6 districts of Eindhoven to pull. So also to Woensel Noord, Ons Overtureplein. There was huge Hard worked by many volunteers to achieve this beautiful event.
Main Food Of Of course Singing the Fakkel from Bayeux with Wheels Army Vehicles together from the Wilhelmus and Brabant. And of course eating and drinking, party and fun.
We think that was successful. We started at 6 pm with soup, lemonade coffee and tea.
Ladies with balloons. It was possible to paint. An Indian dance group. A whole Delegation of the scouting was present. Watch the commemoration together on it Stadhuisplein. After which we finally switched to music, a poem, story.
The height of the evening was the honorary hedge through the scouting and the public, as a result of it
Woensel’s Music Corps followed by BlixemSnel, the army trucks behind it again the Scouting with torches. A nice goosebumps moment. And finally the lighting of the Fire scale continues through the Last Post and singing together.
Pias finally closed the evening, after which the volunteers were allowed to continue for everything to clean up.
Thanks for this unforgettable evening and thanks to all the people who have this with this helped. This would not have been possible without them.