Activities 2025

For the activities of the neighborhood association in the year 2025, plans were supplied by the working groups and the board has applied for a subsidy from the municipality of Eindhoven. We use 2 different subsidy schemes for this: area -oriented work and strengthen social basis.

Area -oriented work

This scheme applies to all neighborhoods where volunteers organize activities for the community. The neighborhood association applies for the following activities for the following activities: neighborhood prevention, liveability, litter promotions, King’s Day, school project, volunteer evening and board in general.

Strengthen social basis

Various subsidy schemes (voluntary youth work, seniors, holiday activities, etc.) were merged in 2024 into a scheme with the aim of increasing the participation of the residents. Within this scheme we apply for a subsidy for: family spectacle, activities seniors, children’s camp, carnival, Sinterklaas celebration, Blixemkids activities.

Approximately 40% of the costs of the activities are covered with the two subsidy schemes; The rest of the income consists of membership fees, own contributions and sponsorship.

For both scheme, the application for the following year had to be submitted by 1 October by 1 October and that we will receive an answer at the end of December. In April of the following year we must submit a accountability of the funds spent. This accountability is supported by our annual report for the year in question. In the annual General Members’ Meeting, all activities and the funds spent are presented and the treasurer gives an overview of the finances within the neighborhood association.

By making maximum use of the subsidy schemes, we have succeeded in organizing many activities without increasing membership fees. Also for 2025 membership of the neighborhood association costs € 10 per household. To encourage members to pay automatic collection, a few gift vouchers were raffled among these members in 2024.


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