29. Look aside, then the sweetheart can be added

Look aside, then the sweetheart can be added

It’s autumn again. The leaves fall from the trees. Especially very annoying in the gutters! That is why a clean neighborhood is going to work again. You can also cooperate in this. Many parked cars make it difficult to wipe the streets well. We need your help for this. The municipality lets your neighborhood wipe your neighborhood in two parts at least twice a year (1 x in the spring and once in the fall). One day the side with the even house numbers and the next day the side with the odd house numbers. We ask you not to park your car between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the street side that is the turn of that day. By means of signs that are along the access roads of your neighborhood, you can see when it is your part of the neighborhood’s turn.

The data below is swept:

Monday, Nov 18 (Even Nos) Tuesday 19 Nov (odd nrs) Sprookjesbosch and English Wijk

Wednesday 20 Nov (Even NRS) Thursday 21 Nov (odd NRS) Italian and French neighborhood

Wednesday 20 Nov (Even NRS)

Thursday, Nov 21 (odd nrs) precious stones neighborhood

Wednesday 27 Nov (Even NRS)

Thursday 28 Nov (odd nrs) American neighborhood

The contractors who are in charge of Blixembosch work throughout the year to keep our neighborhood beautiful and tidy. So not only during the integral sweeping actions are swept in the neighborhood!

The above info plus the maps of the neighborhood parts can be found on www.blixembosch.com

Annie /Tine /Ineke (coordinators sweeper campaign Blixembosch)

November 2024