22. Working group Heart for Blixembosch

Working group Heart for Blixembosch.
For the working group Heart for Blixembosch, 2024 was a busy year! A lot of work was done to make Blixembosch heart-safe: a crowdfunding campaign, a deposit refund campaign at Albert Heijn and we made ourselves visible during the family spectacle.
AEDs on Het Plateau and De Velden
In addition to replacing an AED on the Diamantring, two new AEDs were also placed on Het Plateau and De Velden. The crowdfunding campaign raised an amount of €1630.95. This is
enough for one new AED without an outdoor cabinet. €4000 was needed for two AEDs with an outdoor cabinet. Fortunately, there was still some money in the till and the second AED could also be purchased.
The new AEDs have now been placed. They are located at: Laagte 1 and Panorama 67. Furthermore, on the map below you can see AEDs at Chet Bakerlaan 10 and Benny Goodmanlaan 14


There was also consultation with the municipality to make the AEDs more visible in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately, placing an AED sign on lampposts was not allowed. However,
placing coloured tiles in front of the house where an AED is located was allowed. The pavement tile is green and provided with the AED logo.
Who will join us?
The working group is looking for a new member to join us. All you need is enthusiasm about citizen assistance and Heart Safety in the Blixembosch neighbourhood. If you are interested or would like to attend a meeting, please send an email to our email address.
Furthermore, we are always looking for donors who want to support us.
Would you like to make a donation? Scan the QR code and enter an amount. You can also transfer an amount to:
account number NL 12 INGB 0002 7970 90 in the name of Wijkvereniging
Blixembosch, stating Hart voor Blixembosch.

Working group Hart voor Blixembosch
e-mail: hartvoorblixembosch@gmail.com