Jan Willem
09.Yes! Once again, the most fun camp in the neighborhood is being organized: The Blixemkids Children’s Camp!
Yes! Once again, the most fun camp in the neighborhood is being organized: The Blixemkids Children’s Camp! This year, the camp is calling for participants who have perseverance, are good at puzzles, have survival skills, are quick, agile, tactical, and social. All these skills will determine who the winners of: Expedition BlixenDon will be. This…
8.Saturday, March 22nd – Litter Cleanup Event
Saturday, March 22nd – Litter Cleanup Event The National Cleanup Day will take place on Saturday, March 22nd. Will you join us again to help keep our beautiful neighborhood clean? We’ll be picking up litter in the parks, gardens, green strips, and on the Ouverture square. We’ll start at 10:00 AM with coffee and cake,…
07.Family Spectacle Blixembosch is Looking for Partners: Together, Let’s Make It a Blast!
Family Spectacle Blixembosch is Looking for Partners: Together, Let’s Make It a Blast! The Family Spectacle has been the highlight of the year in Blixembosch for many years. A fantastic three-day celebration for young and old, filled with fun, music, and togetherness. To keep organizing this unique event, we are looking for enthusiastic entrepreneurs who…
06. The “Hart voor Blixembosch” working group.
The “Hart voor Blixembosch” working group is actively committed to making and keeping the Blixembosch neighborhood heart-safe. With 10 AEDs now installed, the 6-minute zone, in which an AED must be available within six minutes during a resuscitation, is covered in the neighborhood. However, this work is far from finished: the AEDs require regular maintenance,…
05.Attract Butterflies to Your Garden!
Attract Butterflies to Your Garden! Recently, the Butterfly Foundation reported that the number of butterflies has decreased by a staggering 40% since 1992! How can you attract butterflies to your own garden? The red list of butterfly species threatened with extinction is growing, just like it is with bees. There are now only 53 species…
04. Workshop: Making Bath Bombs
Workshop: Making Bath Bombs We’re going to make bath bombs! Even if you don’t have a bath, you can still create a beautiful bath bomb for your grandparent, parent, brother, or sister. The activity takes place on Saturday, April 12 at the youth center. We start with the elementary school kids (ages 8-12) at 1:00…
03.Workshop: Building an Insect Hotel
Workshop: Building an Insect Hotel We have a fun activity lined up for young builders and crafters: children aged 6-12. On March 21st, starting at 3:00 PM, we will be assembling an insect hotel at the youth center. We expect to spend about 45 to 60 minutes on this project. Afterward, you can find a…
02 Table Tennis Club ‘De Wiekslag’ is Looking for Members
Table Tennis Club ‘De Wiekslag’ still has room for new members to join for recreational play and/or competitive matches. Our home base is the Philipshuis on Fakkellaan, where we hold our match and training evening every Monday from 7:45 PM. We participate in TLE competition in the region. The atmosphere is important, but we also…
01. Future of Community Center Blixems
Future of Community Center Blixems How can we turn Community Center Blixems into a vibrant hub for and by our neighborhood? As the board, we have been working on this question for some time. Should we let the center be managed by a commercial operator, or should we take over the management ourselves? Currently, Community…