Look to the side so that the sweeper can be reached

Look to the side so that the sweeper can be reached

It’s almost summer again. The weeds on the sidewalks are starting to grow again! And there are also some leaves and dirt in the gutters. That is why we will be working again on a clean neighborhood. You can also participate in this. Many parked cars make it difficult to properly sweep the streets. We need your help for this. The municipality has your neighborhood completely swept into two parts at least twice a year (once in the spring and once in the autumn). One day the side with the even house numbers and the next day the side with the odd house numbers. We request that you do not park your car between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on the street side that is your turn on that day. Signs placed along the access roads of your neighborhood show you when it is your part of the neighborhood’s turn.

Swiping will take place on the dates below:

Fairytale forest and English quarter

Monday July 15 (even numbers)

Tuesday July 16 (odd numbers)

Italian and French Quarter

Wednesday July 17 (even numbers)

Thursday, July 18 (odd numbers)

Gemstone neighborhood

Wednesday, July 17 (even numbers)

Thursday July 18 (odd numbers)

American neighborhood

Wednesday, July 24 (even numbers)

Thursday, July 25 (odd numbers)

The contractors who manage Blixembosch work all year round to keep our neighborhood nice and tidy. So the neighborhood is not only swept during the comprehensive sweeping campaigns!

The above information plus the maps of the district areas can be found at www.blixembosch.com

Annie/Tine/Ineke (Coordinators Sweeping Campaign Neighborhood Association Blixembosch)