De Robsteborst on Summer vacation (source Bird Protection Netherlands) Part 3
The ideal robin garden
There are plenty of reasons to cherish the robin. For example with a varied and insect-rich garden full of indigenous flowers, plants and (evergreen) shrubs, a messy corner with a stack of branches, a hedge of bes-bearing shrubs and a pond with a faint bank. In such a domain, the robin soon feels at home. On the menu list there are mainly small insects, spiders, centipedes and worms. If the insect offering drops from the late summer, they supplement it with berries, fruits and small (grass) seeds.
The robin can be easily approachable in a familiar garden. Sometimes red breasts are a bit shy. When hunger and cold, even the somewhat shy robin crawls out of his shell. Just pay attention. You hoe in the garden or rake the leaves and see: two jet -black bead eyes look at you begging. The robin has a long time in the bulls that all kinds of tasty soil animals appear with that garden work. You have to be made of stone not to melt at such a scene. Treat the robin during harsh winter days with dried mealworms or some universal feed, preferably offered under a bush. The friendship is then definitely a fact.
But pay attention with feeding birds, because food that stays on the floor is an easy meal for rats. It is better to leave leaves on the floor in the garden. Below that are the soil animals and know for sure that robins and also blackbirds are coming for a meal of these animals.
Enjoy a cozy roaming robin in the garden this fall
Working Group Green Play and the Environment