Fireworks in the neighborhood.

Fireworks are part of the turn of the year. Or not? In recent years, there has been increasing attention for the annoying sides of fireworks. The real fireworks period has yet to start, but the nuisance reports from Blixembosch are slowly starting to come again: loud bangs, fireworks remnants on the street and in the garden, but also stressed pets, destruction / damage and odor nuisance.

And then we haven’t even mentioned the damage to the environment and the serious injuries and sometimes deaths caused by fireworks every year. Often because people do not handle fireworks responsibly. Heavy illegal fireworks cause the most injury, damage and nuisance. The municipality of Eindhoven has a lot of damage every year, caused by fireworks. You cannot destroy a traffic sign with a firecracker, that requires serious explosives.

But setting off legal fireworks outside the permitted period (December 31, 6 p.m. to January 1, 2 a.m.) is also punishable. The penalties can range from a Halt referral to a fine.

Hood protectors.
To limit fireworks nuisance, Dynamo youth work uses hood protectors. Hood protectors are young people from Blixembosch who walk through the neighborhood around the turn of the year. They know many peers and have a good conversation about the use of fireworks.

Request to parents ?
Discuss the dangers of fireworks with your children. Especially the illegal fireworks. Storing illegal fireworks at home is also dangerous. Make sure that your children only buy legal fireworks and that they only light fireworks during the permitted period.
You can find more information at

Still setting off fireworks?
Do it safe! Protect your eyes
• wear fireworks goggles;
• keep your distance;
• use a lighter fuse;
• use a launching stand for flares, this is mandatory;
• read the instructions for use.

If you know that someone is in possession of large quantities of (illegal) fireworks, you can report this to the police or to Meld Misdaad Anoniem on telephone number 0800-7000.

Happy holidays and a safe New Year.

Rik Nijssen, youth work
Angel Alvarez, community police officer.